Everything From China - Except Quality

By tonyh, 12 July, 2015

I'm sick of this. Another dud!

This week it was an expensive new dining table from a shop at Kotara. Made from beautiful Tassie timber which was, can you believe, sent to some factory over the horizon where they buggered it up, packed it up  and then shipped it all the way back here - just for me! Before that it was a simple toaster that refused to pop up after three months. Oh yes,  they kindly exchanged it for another. "Never had that problem before!" The second one strangely lasted three months as well. How can you make an electric toaster that doesn't pop up in the 21st century?

Before that a laptop. The hard drive failed one month outside the warranty.

Should I go on? I can if you like. Light globes that are "good for three million hours" - but only for three hours in my house. Ceiling fans that are so slow the flies actually manage to stay asleep on the blades with their feet in the air.  Then there's the clock radio ......... And the chain saw.

Yes - they're all from China.

Is  this just me? Do I just hold some deep-seated prejudice against our largest trading partner? Or has some Chinese export  agent got my name and address? "Send the seconds to Tony Hann at North Arm Cove. We've nearly beaten him. He's already stopped bringing the stuff back.  He's just dumping it on the nature strip like the others mugs do."

It's true. I'm resigned to watching over the second toaster so it doesn't burn the toast. The light globes go straight in the bin (how can I prove they snuffed it after only three hours?) I do confess the chain saw ended up on the nature strip. Someone actually took it. (I'm sorry for them if they thought it was okay.)

The fact is I'm getting tired of it all. Even when I can prove my case, the retailer never says, "We apologise for importing crap and selling you crap, for making you dig out faded receipts, drive a round trip of 120km at your cost, so we can swap it for more crap."

I ask again - is this just me? Or are there others out there also suffering in silence??

Tony Hann

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