On symbols and symbolism

By dougk, 17 September, 2023

I’ve been thinking about symbols of late – particularly after I heard someone say, referring to the coming referendum, β€œIt’s only symbolic, it won’t change anything.” But is that really true? Surely symbols can be potent. Religions hold their symbols sacred. Patriots wave their flags. Trump supporters proudly wear their MAGA hats. Some governments have banned the swastika. The strength of symbols is in the message they send. Those messages may be good or bad but they can certainly affect lives.

The letters that I am typing now are β€œjust” symbols. Gathered together letters can form words which are also symbols with meaning. And words can be gathered together to form arguments sometimes so potent they have even changed nations; changed the way people think of themselves and of others.

On a personal level, if we send comforting words to someone in their grief, are we "merely engaging in symbolism"?

Is wishing a friend happy birthday or praising their achievements just tokenism?

If someone were to hurl a nasty epithet at you, do you care? Do you feel a little better when someone acknowledges your contributions; listens to your views?

Whether we vote yes or no in this referendum, we are sending a message. That message will matter. It maybe will not directly affect us either way - but that message will impact the lives of some members of the wider Australian community.

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