Too many candidates, too little info!

By dougk, 24 November, 2021

Are you as confused as I have been about who's standing at the upcoming Council Elections? Voting is compulsory - but who to vote for? Too often in the past our local needs seem to have received low priority from MidCoast Council. We need good councillors who actually care about the southern outposts of MidCoasts' 10,000 square kilometres.

I thought someone local would be good.

So I have ploughed through the 81 candidate information sheets to find out who is "local" and what their backgrounds are. I only found 4: three from Tea Gardens and one from Pindimar. In alphabetical order of surname, this is the information those candidates supplied on their information sheets:

Sandra BOURKE from Tea Gardens. (Listed in Group C, Peter EPOV’s group.)
Sanda has an MSSc from Charles Sturt Uni and a BA from the University of Sydney. She is employed as a Project Manager and is a Member of a Progress Association, Lions and Surf Club. Her additional info says:

Hi, Our stunning MidCoast needs more than the same old seat at the Council table. We need representatives who will ensure that the Council bureaucracy listens & acts in response to our community, now & into the future; who will advocate for us at all government levels; who puts community above self interest. I am from a long-time local family who cares about local engagement and ensuring that policy is acted on with value for money and accountability. I am putting up my hand as your local candidate at this election. I know what integrity is and I “walk the talk”. Drawing on my 30+ years of experience in policing, national security and government management, I will represent you, your families & our communities on Council.

Jessica HARRIS from Pindimar: (Listed in Group E, Dheera SMITH’s group.)
Jessica is a member of The Greens NSW and is self employed. There was no “additional info”.

Janelle MATTHEWS from Tea Gardens (Listed in Group J, Len ROBERTS’ group)
Janelle has a business diploma and is self employed. Her additional info says:

Involved in the Community and understand the needs of the community.

Len ROBERTS from Tea Gardens (Listed in Group J, Len ROBERTS’ group. )
Len is a member of the National Party. He has a BA, Grad Dip Comp and a Dip Sp Ed. Len is a Pastor and consulting archaeologist, and a member of the TGHN Progress Association and TG Baptist Church. His additional info says

Have been a councillor and Deputy Mayor of Great Lakes, Councillor Blacktown and Current Councillor Midcoast.

A full list of candidates can be found at:…

The candidate information sheets are at:

Thanks Doug for doing the hard work for us. A local councillor is a great idea and very necessary for our southern area.

Just a bit of further information, online and telephone polling opened last Monday. Due to Covid, the NSW Electoral Commission has made it very easy to vote remotely. Just google "iVote" or go to or phone 1300 24 86 83. I have already voted and it was easy.


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