Who are the people in your neighbourhood?

By susanc, 13 July, 2015

Who are the people in our neighbourhood?

Doctor Who, in the TV series, makes an important claim: 

The Doctor: [Pointing to frozen Abigail Pettigrew] Who's she?

Kazran Sardick: Nobody important.

The Doctor: Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before.

And C S Lewis, the writer, is said to have noted that ‘there are no ordinary people’.  It’s certainly true of the Cove – I’ve never met anyone here who is ordinary, who isn’t important. So, I’d like to introduce you to a few of the ‘not unimportant’ people in our neighbourhood over the next few weeks.  You’ll get a chance to read about eight of the people who call North Arm Cove home.  Each person comes with stories of life in other parts of the world at other times.  Some of the people, you’ll know; others, you won’t.  So, while the creator and editor of northarmcove.nsw.au, Doug Kohlhoff, is having a break from his keyboard, this series of articles will help fill in the gaps.  I hope you enjoy them.


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