What we don't know about bushfires ...

By dougk, 21 February, 2016

Bushfires in Australia increased by 40% from 2008 to 2013. This worrying statistic was highlighted in the intro to last week's SBS Insight program: Line of Fire. And this article on The Conversation tells us that: "future bushfires will be worse - we need to adapt now". This is very sobering viewing and reading.

North Arm Cove is in a high bushfire risk area. According to the TV program, perhaps only 10 percent of families living in high risk areas have prepared their own Bushfire Survival Plan! While there has been a great deal of work undertaken by others over the past year to make our village safer, ultimately the responsibility for our own survival falls upon ourselves. That starts with us having a clear plan of what we will do when fire threatens - and having our home and surrounds well prepared.

The Insight program included contributions from people who had experienced first hand the perils of bushfire. They included the grandparents who sheltered with their grandchildren, struggling to breathe beneath a jetty, while their house burnt down.

The Conversation article from Justin Leonard (CSIRO) talks about how well the community of Wye River (Victoria) pulled together and evacuated. While it is recognised that homes will be lost, it is the fact that no lives were lost identifies the importance of a united approach.

What scope is there for communities such as ours to work together if the village is impacted by fire?

Thanks to Ian Cook for drawing both these above items to our attention. The SBS Insight program is well-worth viewing either via the on-line link or through SBS On Demand.

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