Local application to Stronger Communities Fund

By dougk, 8 October, 2016

Community Precinct

Yesterday, (October 7) the Residents Association, with the support of other local groups, submitted an application for funds to formalise a "Community Precinct" in the village.  A Stronger Communities Fund was established as result of NSW Government decisions associated with the recent Council merger. MidCoast Council has a total of one million dollars available for grants to local communities over the next two years. No one organisation will get more than $50,000. Proposed projects must not have previously received funding and there were various other constraints including requiring that the projects:

  • deliver social, cultural, economic or environmental benefits to local communities
  • address an identified community priority
  • be well defined with a clear budget
  • demonstrate that any ongoing or recurrent costs of the project can be met by the community group once grant funding has been expensed
  • the organisation must demonstrate the capacity to manage funds and deliver the project.

Some of the main sections from the North Arm Cove submission are attached below. The North Arm Cove project, if it is wholly or partially successful in obtaining funding, will require a significant amount of community effort in the form of working bees! However, we are lucky that we have, in the Cove, many people who are prepared to give time in a good cause.

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Hi Doug, Many thanks to you and NACRA for promoting these initiatives... and for maintaining such a fantastic and informative website. regards, Darrall Thompson