Koalas- where have they gone?

By janiner, 14 April, 2012
Koala at North Arm Cove

Koala in October 1994

I was taking an afternoon walk along Eastslopes Way last January when a couple of young women asked whether I had seen any koalas. They were hoping for a koala sighting on their walk. It is hard to spot a koala in a treetop even when you know it is there, and the young women did not seem to realise that their chances of just randomly spotting a koala were slim.

When we first bought our block at North Arm Cove, we wanted to encourage the wildlife. We bought gum trees recommended by the Forestry Commission as suitable for koalas. One survived and it is now nearly as tall as some of the mature ironbarks. However, I suspect that there are few koalas around to eat the leaves of our special gum.

The first time I saw a koala at North Arm Cove was when an elderly lady from across the road came racing down to tell us that we had a koala on our block. It was on the ground, but scrambled about 3m up a nearby pine and then stopped and watched us watching it. That was in 1989. We saw several in the next few years, mostly high up in the gums after hearing their distinctive grunting during the night. However, I have not seen any since the mid 1990's.

My neighbours report that they saw koalas up to about 2002, mostly on our property. They also found a dead koala in about 2002, which they buried. They have not seen any for the last 10 years.

I have attached a photograph of a koala taken in October 1994 on our property. This one was perched about 5m up  a tree close to the waterfront. Has anyone got more recent evidence of koala activity in the Cove?


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I definately have not seen  Koala in the Cove however my husband who regularly travels in the very early morning around 3 am has sighted Koala using the animal crossing over the highway at Karuah.

The main risks for Koalas are cars and dogs. I understand that there are only about 400 left in the Port Stephens area.

Hopefully there are some still in the Karuah area.



12 years 2 months ago

we used to see koalas in Heros bay but probably not for 15 years, they are probably still around in remote areas

there are now more dogs roaming around Heros bay (frightening wallabies who feed on my block), I have no objection to dogs but would owners please do not let them run free

there was a pair of ducks nesting in promontory way last year but they were scared away by a dog


11 years 10 months ago

Koalas in a gold coast area are to be moved. Should we reestablish a koala colony? Means we would need to keep dogs on properties. In Heros bay area we used to see them regularly till about 10 years ago, a tribute to the good eyes then?