North Arm Cove property, roads and zoning map

By bobreid, 4 July, 2020

The attached map shows properties, roads and zoning in both the North Arm Cove village and the surrounding non-urban area west to Goorengi Road.

It also shows land owned by MidCoast Council and land owned by developer Walker Corporation. The base map was provided by Council and I added the red shading to show the Walker Corporation land, which is based on information supplied to the Association a couple of years ago so it may be slightly out of date. The map also shows roads which are privately owned and provide access to other properties through easements or rights of way.

I posted the map so residents and landholders could get a good understanding of the extent of land owned by MidCoast Council and Walker Corporation.

If you enlarge the map you should be able to see the names of all of the roads.

Attach a pdf


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