Patience and its Outcome.

By nigelt, 5 August, 2020

Late 2018/early 2019 saw the successful culmination of extended discussions/arrangements with the staff of the MCC`s Tea Gardens Works Depot covering the removal and disposal of a dozen or more vehicle bodies, trailer and vehicle parts, hazardous materials, etc. dumped in the area of bush bordered by Carrington Rd, Gooreengi Rd, Bulga Creek and the shore-line. None of this would have been possible without the full and active cooperation and participation of the manager, Drew Martin, foreman, Mattie Taylor, and the rest of the lads who fitted these extra activities into their already busy work schedule and for which our community should be duly grateful.

Subsequently, reports/discoveries of further dumpings filtered through to me and their sites were again mapped and their details once more passed to Drew for action as work time and activities allowed. A sedan preceded a mini ute followed by a large almost full Telstra drum of fibre-optic cable. Early this year saw the overnight appearance of an abandoned Mitsubishi van just 300 metres north-west of the community hall. Surprisingly, most were of interstate origin.

Accepting that such matters take time and patience I recently agreed to update President Bob on such dumping problems by arranging a detour with him to the van site and there it was - gone ! Bewilderment ! A check of the other sites produced the same result.

Confirmation today that without any fanfare the Depot staff had recently diverted major equipment and staff to help tidy up our 'backyard', for which I would suggest a message of thanks from the village. (The 'bodies' have made their way through the recycling facilities at the Tip, while the drum continues to take up space at the Depot.)

Meanwhile, advice regarding any further major dumped items would be much appreciated so that, with time and patience, the exercise may be repeated.


I would like to mention that Nigel was also instrumental in making council aware of our rubbish plight in the first instance and many times after. My thanks go to him for his persistance and for his walking long distances around the area finding these illegal rubbish and car dumpings. Robertv  

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