Life of the Edge of the Kill Zone

By Roland Stanley Inman, 12 July, 2022

North Arm Cover is right on the very edge of the mite Red kill zone for European bees.  It has since gotten bigger.  If your hives are not registered do so as a matter of urgency.  By the end of July all hives, both managed and wild, south of NAC will have been put to the sword. Iā€™m currently living in Booral and Castle Inman is wedged between two kill zones and the DPI is expected here in the week of 11 July to inspect those hives.

We were able to harvest 120kg of honey from them and will be shortly renting a commercial kitchen to bottle that honey.  Buy your local honey today, it has no shelf life.  Honey production in our area has now crashed and will not recover for at least four years. 

Cheers Roland ā€“ NAC 1965 ā€“ 1986 - use the discount code QE2 for your seniors 10% discount. 

The kill zone has now extended and several beekeepers in the Cove will lose their beloved hives and will continue to do so for at least three years IF the mite eradication program is successful.


2 years 2 months ago

99 Promentory way North Arm Cove 

The timber that is on site will be milled for posts to meet councils requirement please note that hidden cameras on site are being monitored and will be refered to the police if necessary.

If you want some timber please call me and I am happy for the firewood/Mulch to be taken but would appreciate it if you leave the logs for me untouched.

I will be on site 6/8/2022 if you need to chat. 

Kindest Regards 


0435 373855



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