Do We Have Koalas at North Arm Cove?

By janiner, 15 April, 2024
Koala in Cove Boulevard in 1994

The draft MidCoast Council Koala Conservation Strategy has been released. The maps in the Strategy show North Arm Cove and the nonurban area as having 2 koala sightings from 2011 to 2016 and 2 more sightings from 2017 to 2022. If you know of any further sightings, they should be reported back to Council via the Draft MidCoast Koala Strategy | Have Your Say ( website. The North Arm Cove area has not been mapped as either “Occupied Habitat” or “Likely Habitat”. It is important that Council has accurate information to guide the Strategy.

The MidCoast Koala Conservation Strategy forms part of the broad koala conservation program in the MidCoast, called the Koala Safe Spaces Program. While the Koala Safe Spaces Program has so far focused on gathering data and developing community awareness about koala conservation, the MidCoast Koala Strategy documents management actions for koala recovery and conservation. The strategy has been informed by koala sightings data, habitat mapping, applied scientific knowledge and the ideas and perspectives of stakeholders and the community.

The strategy will guide the conservation and management of koalas and their habitat across the MidCoast region for the next 5 years. Submissions close at 4.30pm on 6 May, 2024.

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9 months 3 weeks ago

Koala spotting in 2023.

In January 2023 a nonurban owner posted a video of their koala spotting in the NAC non-urban area.

I responded with this:
Hi ******,
Any koala spotting needs to be reported to environmental bodies for recording to help protect their sustainability. There are numerous places to lodge the sighting.
If you like it can be reported without your involvement if you can provide approximate details of where you took your video in North Arm Cove – area, street, only. Don’t need specifics of your address or identification as any sighting will be followed up independently and professionally by responsible Rangers.
It's certainly great to see the koala population come back to the Cove!

The response was:
Thanks for ur interest 
Your msg has no concern to me 
Don’t msg me again

Of course I needed to respond, with:
Sorry to have inconvenienced you, it will now be passed on to the relevant State and Local Authorities to follow through with you.
There is no need to contact me again (please don't) as your facebook profile provides sufficient information for their investigation.
I was only trying to help, and once again apologise for exposing your enjoyment of the natural environment without responsibility.

Response was:
Harassment stalking & intimidation is a crime 
Your details have been forwarded to the local police 

This is the type of attitude we’re up against where some non-urban owners place their own self importance above a national catastrophe.

I have a copy of the video but can’t upload it. If anyone wants any further details to follow through with, let me know.