MCC will be doing some work soon to reduce sedimentation runoff from roadways

By bobreid, 3 July, 2021

On Friday I was contacted by Drew Morris, MidCoast Council's Catchment Officer, regarding some upcoming projects in North Arm Cove to help reduce sedimentation runoff into the waterway. The work will be carried out over the next few months. Details of the work, as provided by Drew Morris, are:

From 2019 MidCoast Council and Local Land Services have been working together to implement the NSW Government’s Marine Estate Management Strategy (MEMS) to protect and enhance the waterways of MidCoast Council. A key focus has been on-ground works to reduce fine sediments from unsealed roads entering our waterways during rainfall events.

Unsealed roads are a significant source of sediment and nutrients into our waterways. During rain events water runs down the roads taking sediments from the road as well as surrounding landscape and depositing them into our rivers, creeks and bays. This muddy water can smother animals and plants, clog fish gills and reduce the health of our rivers and streams.

This project is targeting a variety of locations over the MidCoast LGA – often creek crossings or bridges on unsealed roads. While there are no bridges or crossings of note in North Arm Cove, the proximity of the township to the Port Stephens Estuary and significant seagrass beds combined with the steep landscape means this is a sensible location to target with this funding. A previous round of this funding sealed portions of the nearby Branch Lane to reduce sediment flows into the Branch River, while other concurrent projects are targeting creek crossings in the Wallis and Manning River Catchments.

The North Arm Cove Stormwater Management Strategy from 2014 includes several actions to reduce sediment flowing from the North Arm Cove township into the Port. Several of the actions within this plan will be implemented through this project. A summary of the projects are listed below. 

Works will be commencing over the coming months. While the majority of them should be completed with minimal impact on neighbours, some may require engagement with neighbouring properties (eg upgrades to Merriwa Boulevarde) which will be undertaken separately.

Any further questions, please contact Drew Morris  0429 220 493.

The work to be done is:

Merriwa Boulevard - seal from Eastslope Way towards The Ridgeway, to reduce sediment from the unsealed portion of this road.

Casuarina Reserve - upgrade existing track to reduce sedimentation into the port from the track and around the dinghy ramp.

Water Street intersection with Eastslope Way - improve drainage and install check dams to reduce sedimentation from unsealed roads and tracks flowing down Water Street and into the Port. Will continue to investigate whether there is scope and community support to close and rehabilitate the top section of Water Street (as per the Strategy) while maintaining RFS access and Asset Protection Zone requirements for the location.

The Esplanade (southern section) turning bay - batter existing eroding slope and replant to stabilise.



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