MidCoast Council have advised that the roadside drainage upgrade between 89 and 93 Cove Boulevarde will commence late August (about the 21st) with completion in October. While this work is . . .
Drainage Issues

MidCoast Council has advised that the upgrade to roadside drainage between 89 and 93 Cove Boulevarde is scheduled to commence on 21 August. The work will involve installation of new . . .
by bobreid
Council has advised that due to an eight week lead time currently required for the Contractor to obtain the required Concrete Pipes, the Works, whilst commencing later this month as . . .
by bobreid
Gary Sylvaney has updated the NAC stormwater report to include the latest developments on the highest priority actions. The good news is that Council drainage staff have issued a work . . .
by bobreid
Gary Sylvaney and I recently met with Evan Vale from MidCoast Council to get an update on planned works. The good news is that works are planned for this financial . . .
by bobreid
Following a recent review and discussion with Council officers, the stormwater management action report to MidCoast Council has been updated. The main project for Council at the moment is to . . .
by bobreid
On Friday I was contacted by Drew Morris, MidCoast Council's Catchment Officer, regarding some upcoming projects in North Arm Cove to help reduce sedimentation runoff into the waterway. The work . . .

In 2017 MidCoast Council engaged consultants to prepare a drainage strategy for North Arm Cove. This strategy made many recommendations for improving drainage in the Cove. A link to this . . .

Further to the Roads and Drainage subcommittee report of 3 December, we offer the following information that will provide a simple fix to restrict stormwater from cross road flooding flowing . . .
by bobreid
Over the past month the Roads and Drainage subcommittee has been inspecting roads and drains in the Village and updating the list of issues identified in the Council 2017 drainage . . .