New Strategy for Oyster Industry

By janiner, 11 August, 2015

NSW Oyster Industry Strategy

A report has been prepared for the NSW Oyster Strategy Working Group by Acil Allen Consulting. The report, β€œNSW Oyster Strategy”, was was released in June 2015, and has been published on the DPI website: go to

Basically, the government acknowledges that the oyster industry in NSW faces production and market pressures that continue to drive structural change. There is wide spread concern about the future viability of the industry. The strategy outlines the steps that need to be taken by government in partnership with industry to improve the outlook for oyster farming. It proposes that there is a working group which is a sub-committee of the NSW Shellfish Committee and that this sub-committee will monitor the implementation of the recommendations in the report over a 5 year period.

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