Oyster Farming Community Consultation

By mpickles, 10 November, 2019


Over 55 residents attended the Consultation with Oyster Farming Stakeholders on Friday 25 October at the Community Centre in North Arm Cove.

The meeting was held to inform residents about Oyster Farming as required under the Good Neighgourhood Policy of the 2016 Oyster Strategy.]

Guests included;

Ian Lyall Program, Leader Aquaculture NSW, DPI
Rob Peever, District Fisheries Officer, NSW DPI
Representatives from XL Oysters  OL86/140 
Representatives from Sweetwater Oysters OL86/138 ยง
Malcolm Hunter and Georgina Martin, Environmental Health Coordinators, MidCoast Council
Mark Bulley Regional Coordinator NSW Farmers Association
Phil Baker Senior Shellfish Operations Officers NSW Food Authority

The meeting was planned with speakers from the authorities involved and Bod and Janince Reid presented the issues for concerned residents.

The meeting was very informative about the complex issues with oyster farming and the compliance and good practice arrangements. Many residents were concerned about the impact of managing onsite sewarage systems which are the durisdiction of Mid Coast Council and were relieved to hear that there is a strategy in place for compliance and a plan to make people aware of thier responsibilities.

The Oyster Farmers have already made a changes to thier leases to improve visual amenity and to make channels safe. Just recently following the meeting XL Oysters have taken out 37 posts at the southern lease to make a safer channel.

The Aquaculture Committee of NACRA have a long history of making submissions to Department of Primary Industries on behalf of residents to remove the old poles and other infrastructure which was very ugle and dangerours. Recently they have made submissions for a improving the visual amenity following the installation of the new technology the baskets.

A communication strategy has been put in place for residents to inform the Oyster Farmers of debris, and for compliance. 

At the end of the meeting many residents thanked the Oyster Farmers and the respresentives.

You can read the whole record of the community consultation here and if you have any concerns please contact Janine Reid - Aquaculture Committee for NACRA. janine27reid@gmail.com

Final Record of Oyster Consultation.pdf

NAC Oyster Briefing - Agenda Final 221019.pdf



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