Spring in the Cove

By janiner, 17 September, 2017

The weather is warming up and the Cove has burst into bloom. Have a look at the website gallery for pictures of some of the wild flowers currently out in the bush. Earlier this week we had a good look along the tracks north of the village towards Bulga Creek. There are stacks of small bushes with flowers out in bloom, lots of yellow peas, purple boronias and white tea trees to name just a few. There are also quite a few orchids.

You will also notice that quite a few varieties of gum tree are in flower. There is so much blossom that parts of our streets have accumulated a fine dusting of yellow on the verge. There has been no rain to wash it away. The flowering gums have attracted parrots and there is a lot of noise from swift parrots and rainbow lorikeets and bees. The parrots will be gone in another few weeks. There are also quite a few galahs and corellas.

The birds are nesting and there are at least two pairs of plovers who will bomb anyone coming too close- one actually hit me in the head whilst I was trying to take a photo!! Our local plover was nesting in late July and had 3 chicks in mid-August. Despite dad’s aggressive tactics, only one chick has survived.

The real herald of spring is the arrival of the channel-billed cuckoo and the eastern koel. I haven’t heard either bird yet but they are both very noisy. The eastern koel has a very distinct cooee call which we will hear until late February. They are both big birds but are very difficult to see as they hide high in the trees. The other birds do not like them and make quite a fuss as they are both cuckoos who lay their eggs in the nests of other birds.

Snakes are also on the move. Our local diamond python has already put in an appearance. Fortunately it has been too dry for the mossies and there are not many around.

So while the weather is still cool, take the opportunity to get outside and have a look the wonders of our small slice of paradise at North Arm Cove.

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