Flowers and trees of the Cove environment

Bonnet orchid
by janiner
Just behind the Community Hall there are some more orchids in flower. They can be found along the edge of some of the gravel roads. Try Hexam Place and Singleton . . .

by bobreid Information
Over the past few days I've noticed some pretty orchids in flower near the Community Centre. The first of these is Dipodium variegatum - the blotched hyacinth orchid. I found . . .
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by bobreid Information
Over the past few days I have noticed that white Lady Finger Orchids are blooming all over the Cove. Two areas where there are lots are along the roadside on . . .
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by janiner Information
The weather is warming up and the Cove has burst into bloom. Have a look at the website gallery for pictures of some of the wild flowers currently out in . . .

by janiner Information
Lady Finger Orchids (caladenia catenata) have been in flower in the Cove since April. The plants are about 15cm tall and there is usually a single flower on a single . . .

purple coral pea
by dougk
After building our house in 2009 much of the landscape around the house was fairly barren and we made many trips to nurseries acquiring plants to fill out the garden . . .

Milkmaid flower
by dougk
Walking through the North Arm Cove bush is spring is a delight with wildflowers everywhere. Purple flags abound. native orchids, flax lilies, travellers joy, leptospermum polygalifolium, a great many varieties . . .

Purple daisy
by dougk
Amongst the wonderful wildflowers to be found in our bush are some less desirable imports: Sadly, you may encounter the accursed lantana. The purple daisy, Dimorphotheca (Osteospermum) ecklonis may look . . .