What A load Of Rubbish!

By tonyh, 1 March, 2015

Maria and Elizabeth


I was seriously concerned that, if we got a good attendance this year, there might not be enough rubbish to go around, so to speak.

Well, we had an amazing turn out.  A total of twenty three willing helpers gave up their Sunday morning to pick up this year's detritus.  That's 15% of our resident population!  Tell that to Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest.

As for the rubbish, our generous benefactors - the passing general public - had made quite sure  we wouldn't go short. I'm guessing we collected another two tonnes of household junk together with a fair assortment of syringes, builders' waste and campers' trash. And there's still plenty more out there, I'm sorry to say.

Only four of today's helpers were (and probably still are) under 60. What happens when we are all too old to walk I'm not sure. We won't need a bush fire to hem us in, unable to escape. How funny that would be - if it wasn't such a disgrace.

My eternal thanks to Judy R, Patricia B, , Sandy C, Susan and Jan C, Len Y, Trish and Allan W, Denise and Bruce B, Doug K, David G, Elizabeth D, Maria P, Steve G, Ken and Carol D, Jennie L (thanks for coming so far Jennie), Trevor van D B, Robert van Z,  (do two vans make a fleet?).

And extra special thanks to our youngest - Emma M, our oldest - Pete C (it says 88 on the form Pete - but you really don't look a day past 80) and our hidden weapon Kate M who can frequently be seen walking our streets (collecting rubbish of course).

I have been organising CUA for some years now and I'd like to take a step back and let someone else take over. So if you, or anyone you know, might be interested, please let me know. A very rewarding position with negotiable salary.

Tony Hann

4997 3583 and tonyhann@comcen.com.au

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