Special Meeting on Community Protection Plan

By dougk, 1 April, 2015

A meeting for crucial importance for all Cove Residents is scheduled for 10am on 18 April next. At this meeting, Ian Cook, our RFS Community Protection Planning Officer, will present the draft Community Protection Plan for the village.

Describing the agenda for this special meeting, Ian said:

It is my intention to do a brief introduction on the risk planning process and the introduction of Community Protection Plans stemming from the Royal Commission findings and recommendations into the tragic 2009 Victorian Fires.

This will lead into the process used for developing the plans, the community consultation and the production of Draft plans.

I will bring with me a number of engagement documents for the community, as well as copies of the maps.

I see this as an ideal opportunity for the community to come along and have a look at how it all fits together as well as offering the opportunity to ask any questions that they may have.

Ian noted that the maps are only in Draft format at this stage, and are open to change or alteration if deemed appropriate. He went on to say

If anyone has a question that may require a little research, if they would like to email me the question prior and I can do my best to have an appropriate answer on the day. You can email me at Ian.Cook@rfs.nsw.gov.au

I am looking forward to finally getting the community together to present the draft plans.

The meeting is expected to go for about two hours but Ian will be available to talk further to residents afterwards if required. Several key documents supplied by Ian are attached to this article. The maps are quite large so you may have to download them and zoom in a long way to see all the detail. Maps will be available for viewing at both the Hall and the Fire Brigade.


1: Bush Fire Preparation Map
2: Bush Fire Survival map
3: Mitigation Works Program

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