Council Community Consultation Meeting

By jaybee, 26 March, 2015

The evening of last Wed 25 March I attended the Councils Community presentation in relation to Dredging the Myall River & Corrie Island restoration projects. Meeting was lead by Gerard Tuckerman from GLC & supported by Neil Kellerman , Nat Res Officer.

The issues that were explained included previous renourishment of Jimmys Beach at an annual cost of $600,000. The cost of having “sand on demand”. That the issue today is that of WATER CLARITY , not river pollution. What we are seeing is Estuarine Flows from Pindimir which are not clear water. There is a build-up of sand at Limekilns but best sand for replacement at Jimmys comes from Windawoppa & Yaccabah.

The channel to be dredged will be 70 M wide & 3 to 3.5 M deep. Equipment  will be the BIRDON cutter dredge & the three year cost for the whole operation will be $3,736,000  provided by various entities but the Councils contribution will be in the order of M$1 over that 3 year period.  Expect a Rates levy (1% was mentioned) .

It was acknowledged that the infrastructure of pipe lines, pumps & sand hoppers will have a life of 20 years , but that the programme announced would be financed for 3 years & even more importantly the experts predicted that in 5 years time the dredged channel area will revert to how it is today. Then there is the obvious need to re chase finance options so the channel can remain dredged in order to keep the Estuarine flow as predicted .

Special mention was made of the  help provided by Mr Andrew Smith of the Worimi people & the departing State Member for Port Stephens Mr Craig Baumann who received a presentation at the conclusion of the meeting .Without that imput , this recovery operation would not have happened.

Of special interest to NAC residents , was the statement by one of Councils operatives (sorry I didnt catch his name or position) almost as a throw away addition to the facts presented , that there was expected to be a few dollars remaining from a Roads & Maritime services Grant of M$1.7 for wharf , jetty & pedestrian shelter work at Tea Gardens which “could possibly be used for Boating Improvements at Nerong & North Arm Cove” . Allworth is to get better facilities including a TOILET & WHARF .

MY immediate suggestion is that the NAC  community organisation immediately fasten on to this possibility & stick like glue to the Council operatives who make these decisions favourable to our communities needs. Not a day or opportunity should be missed in order to create a successful outcome. With respect , we dont need more studies or futuristic guesses , we know what we NEED , now it is just the application from our elected reps to get the job done .
As an aside , I thought that Councils presentation was excellent , everything was clearly explained & the options canvassed . I was personally impressed at the “considered delivery” of Mr Tuckerman & the sincerity of Mr Kellerman. Clearly they have achieved one heck of an outcome & the undoubted frustration that they encountered in achieving success with some ten State Laws or hurdles . But I must state that the devil is in the detail & we all await the outcomes .   JOHN BLACKBOURN .

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9 years 3 months ago

The Association was closely involved in the Boating Strategy Review and through its several submissions and direct participation managed to gain Maritime's recognition of both a boat ramp and a jetty for North Arm Cove as priorities within the final Strategy Document.

We are less confident however of Council's support as they see their priorities lying primarily with Foster/Tuncurry and Tea Gardens/Hawks Nest.

You are right John that further progress will require continued pressure on Council but it also needs some real commitment from community members in supporting their community association.

Check out the "related articles" for some of the background.