Big roll up at Boat Ramp/Jetty "Drop-In"

By dougk, 24 October, 2016

Boat ramp/Jetty Drop In!

Over forty locals turned up at the Community Centre last Tuesday (18 October) to discuss with Royal HaskoningDHV their proposals for a Boat Ramp and Jetty at North Arm Cove. The consultants recorded pages of notes recording comments and suggestions from those who attended. Hopefully they also received many additional email submissions from members of our community before submissions closed on 23 October.

At the drop in session we learnt a little more about the options the consultants had proposed.


Previously they had reduced the boat ramp options to just two: Brackens Bay and Medina Bay. But as a result of investigations in the previous week from an ecologist diving in the area the extent of endangered Posidonia Seagrass at the Brackens Bay site was found to be much greater than previously thought. This would mean that approval of a boat ramp at Brackens Bay would be highly unlikely.

This just left the MEDINA BAY option.


The consultants had proposed just one option for a Community Jetty located at POINT CIRCUIT and accessible via a fairly steep concrete path including sections with steps on the 6-metre wide access way. Point Circuit was the only suitable location identified that would give the 2-metre depth at low-tide required for ferry access.

If ferry access was not required, they indicated that a jetty at Casuarina Park Reserve providing only 1-metre depth at low-tide may be possible. This option would be further explored if it was shown there was community support.

The information and views that the consultants collected at the drop in session plus those we provided in our email submissions will be used by the consultants to refine their proposals.

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