A boat ramp? A jetty? An investigation.

By dougk, 13 March, 2015

A site?

The final version of the Regional Boating Plan for Port Stephens-Hunter has now been released and - yes - North Arm Cove does receive a brief mention. So does Tahlee. Priority projects too. But don't get too excited just yet.

The report identifies 22 priority projects in the region to be funded over the next three years. But the projects for both North Arm Cove and Tahlee are only "investigations". Nothing substantive is proposed for either location within this time period.

  • Project 8 is "Investigate options for a new wharf/jetty at Tahlee.
  • Project 9 is "Investigate options for boat ramp and jetty at North Arm Cove.

Over the years there have been a great many "investigations" into possible sites for a boat ramp at North Arm Cove by both locals and Council and all of these have led nowhere. It is to be hoped that this new investigation whenever it occurs can overcome the seemingly impenetrable obstacles that the previous investigations have encountered.

If the "Project 9" investigation manages to come up with a viable solution for a boat ramp and jetty then there is a chance that these will be funded in subsequent rounds of infrastructure funding that will be available in the 2017-19 time period. But that still is a big if.

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