Council works in the pipeline

By dougk, 15 July, 2017

In response to questions from the Residents Association, Council has this week provided advice on what Cove roads and drainage projects are to be funded in the 2017-18 works program.


In February 2013 following some significant storm events, the Association invited residents to contribute to a list to send to Council of significant road and drainage problems in the Cove.  Before Council had a chance to reply to the Association, we had the extended torrential downpour of 1 March that year which caused significant flooding and damage to many properties. Shortly after, Council undertook some work on Water St which has subsequently proved inadequate.

Later in 2013 Council engaged consultants to draw up a Stormwater Management Plan for the village. The consultants met with concerned locals at a "drop-in" session that September. They used the problems locals identified at the session together with further investigations (which included preparing a detailed hydraulic model of the Cove area) to come up with a draft Stormwater Management Plan.

This plan went on public exhibition following a special meeting organised by the Association in February 2015. The plan identified the following main areas of focus:

  • Eastslope Way between Merriwa & Casuarina Park
  • ~ 10 Cove Bvd
  • Water St
  • ~ 70 Cove Bvd
  • 80-84 Cove Bvd
  • 102-110 Cove Bvd
  • ~ 33 The Esplanade
  • ~ 51 The Esplanade

(Notably absent from this list are any problems off Promontory Way.)

Council told the community that the works would be progressively implemented over the following four to five years. So far two of the above areas have been addressed: around 10 and 110 Cove Boulevard.

Water St work was scheduled for 2016-17. Council advises that the funds for this work have been "revoted" for the 2017-18 works program.

In addition, work addressing the creek running into Wide Bay through 33 The Esplanade has been added to the 2017-18 program.


In October 2014, Great Lakes Council was awarded funds from the Federal Government's Roads to Recovery program. Construction and sealing of the eastern section of The Esplanade was included in this program and had been included in the works program for 2016-17. We are now advised that the funds for this work have also been revoted for the 2017-18 program.

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