Excitement Ramps Up - in a dinghy way

By dougk, 13 October, 2016

It is almost too hard to believe ...

After more than three years of sometimes not-so-patient waiting, the go ahead to begin work on two dinghy launching facilities at Casuarina and Water St Reserves has finally arrived. The last requirement, which was met just this week, was the receipt by Council of the Licence from Crown Lands. Just this one small step has taken almost a year and a half to achieve.

A small group from the Residents Association commoittee  met with David Read and Council staff at Casuarina to formally note this important milestone. The locations of these hand-launching dinghy ramps were included in the Master Plans for the two reserves when they were approved by Council in February 2011 after exhibition and  extensive community consultation. The approved ramps are not huge, just 2.4 metres width and 9.6 metres long, but they will allow easier mid-to-high tide hand-launching without the risk of breaking a leg close to the shore-line.

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