Good progress on Dinghy Ramps

By dougk, 20 February, 2017

Ramp Work at Casuarina

You may have noticed that David Read and his team have been hard at work installing a hand-launch dinghy ramp at Casuarina Park Reserve. There is more to do of course but what has been achieved so far is looking really good. When they have finished the Casuarina ramp, David's team will start work on a similar ramp at Water Street reserve. It will make launching dinghies and kayaks at these sites much easier and safer.

This project, an initiative of the Residents Association, has been made possible thanks to a Better Boating Grant from Roads and Maritime Services but there have been many other contributions as well.

Some of the materials being used have been generously donated by Hunter Quarries. There have been Council financial contributions and assistance, plus a significant amount of donated time, effort and resources from David Read Enterprises. The latest project builds upon earlier work supported in part by a grant from Community Building Partnerships. And throughout it all there have been a great many hours of volunteer effort as well as financial contributions from the Association. That's a lot of people and organisations that deserve our thanks!



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