Our community of volunteers!

By dougk, 14 January, 2018

Casuarina Park's "Friends of Casuarina" have been doing some landscaping work this week - including new plantings. It was surprising how dry and rock-hard the soil was just  a few centimetres down. Hopefully a little steady rain will come and give those new plants an early boost.





Of course there are some volunteer  tasks that seem to never end.
Like the collection of twigs and branches that fall from our trees on a regular basis - and particularly during a hot and windy summer.
And of course mowing! Fortunately the new wider mower now makes that task a bit easier.



Keeping our reserves looking trim and well maintained improves the appearance of our village and can raise the quality of life for everyone in our community.


Can you help? We have several reserves in need of more volunteers to share in some of this work.  Even two or three hours effort a month can make a real difference to these reserves. If you can assist please contact a member of the NACRA committee. They will welcome your offer!



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