Our sunburnt country, a land of flooding rains

By dougk, 17 January, 2016

As if to celebrate next week's Australia Day, the first few weeks of 2016 have brought us both scorching days and drenching rain. This is, after all, the Australia of Dorothea Mackellar's perceptive poem.

Such drenching rains are becoming a regular feature of the Cove. The deluge of the week before last, while not quite as bad as either April last year or March 1 2013, still pushed the Cove's existing drainage beyond its capacity.
Were you adversely affected by these most recent storms? 

A Cove Stormwater Management Plan was approved by Council early in 2015 and commenced last October. Stage 2 of this work is expected to occur in April this year but there are several stages in the plan as yet unscheduled.
Do we have evidence that would encourage Council to accelerate the implementation program?

While not providing a permanent solution, it was good to see Council workers in the Cove over the past week undertaking some remedial action clearing drains and levelling roads in some of the areas of the Cove affected by the latest deluge.

If you have been badly affected by the latest storms either add your comment to this article or send me a message.



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