Priority One?

By dougk, 23 December, 2015

Our Water Our Future

This week saw the release of the draft strategy document from MidCoast Water: "Our Water Our Future 2045". And yes, our village does get a mention. The draft strategy is on public exhibition until 26th February. Daniel Bauer, Group Manager (Planning & Development) with MidCoast Water will be the guest at the February Residents Association meeting. He will address the status of providing services to small communities like North Arm Cove and the key messages in MidCoast Water's 2045 Strategy.

Our Cove is one of those villages identified as being "at risk" and for which the draft MidCoast strategy is to provide sewer services - pending government funding - by 2045. In fact, of the many residential areas assessed by MidCoast, North Arm Cove village is one of just four that have been assessed as priority one. The report does note that:

Other options for the small villages also need to be considered, as it is not just a matter of either providing the villages with water and sewer services or not. For example, improving the existing onsite sewerage systems would help to reduce leaks and the subsequent environmental and health effects.

This is definitely an important issue for everyone in this community. To find out more you can download the strategy documents from here. But do be sure to put 13th February 10am in your diary. Following the presentation, Daniel will be happy to take questions from the floor. Then there will be almost two weeks left if you wish to submit a response to the draft to MidCoast Water.

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