Water and Sewerage issues

by bobreid Information📎
MidCoast Council currently has its draft "Our Water Our Future 2050" strategy out on its "Have Your Say" website for public consultation. This strategy has two strategic priorities that are . . .
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by Loal Conroy
Applying water sensitive urban design to new developmentWhen it rains, stormwater flows into our waterways untreated off our urban landscape. Before the land was developed, rain would have soaked into . . .

by bobreid Information📎
MidCoast Council has published a draft management strategy for on-site wastewater (sewage) systems, and has placed it on exhibition seeking public feedback until Monday 29 May. This strategy was developed . . .

by janiner Information
Message from Mid Coast Liquid Waste Christmas & New Year Pump Out Days WED 23rd & THURS 24th DecemberWED 30th & THURS 31st December Merry Christmas to allFrom Mid Coast . . .

by dougk
The proposal to merge MidCoast Council with MidCoast Water is on public exhibition until 12 April. Details of the proposal and explanations on how to make a submission can be . . .

by dougk Information
At an extraordinary meeting of MidCoast Council held on 21 December 2016 it was resolved that MidCoast County Council (which trades as MidCoast Water) should be dissolved and merged as . . .

by dougk Report📎
Saturday's well-attended Residents meeting (13 Feb) addressed a wide range of local issues before we heard from our guest: Daniel Brauer, Group Manager Planning and Development at MidCoast Water. Daniel gave an interesting presentation and then answered a great many questions from the attentive audience about the prospect of sewer and water services being provided to the Cove. The minutes of the meeting are attached below.

by dougk Information
This week saw the release of the draft strategy document from MidCoast Water: "Our Water Our Future 2045". And yes, our village does get a mention. The draft strategy is . . .

by dougk Information
Daniel Brauer, Group Manager, Planning and Development with Mid Coast Water has supplied the following info:MidCoast Water has recently made applications for funding the provision of sewerage services to seven . . .

by janiner News
Councillor Len Roberts has reported that two fines have been issued to North Arm Cove residents for allowing the contents of their septic tanks to overflow.Council recently appointed a temporary . . .