What's the wash-up with drainage?

By dougk, 28 January, 2015
Drainage in the Cove

Meeting 5pm, 24th February

Stormwater drainage has been a perennial issue of concern to Cove residents. The serious problems that occurred throughout the Cove following the exceptionally heavy rain of 1 March 2013 provided further impetus for Great Lakes Council to employ consultants to undertake a comprehensive study of the village's drainage requirements. The draft plans emerging from this study were exhibited in the Cove Library in late 2013. While some drainage works have since been undertaken in the Cove, Council have been reviewing and prioritising the main recommendations from the study.

Ron Hartley (Council's Director of Engineering Services) and Geoff Love (Investigations Engineer) will meet with the Cove community at 5pm on Tuesday 24th February to discuss the priorities and timetable for implementation of these stormwater drainage plans.

No doubt this meeting at the Community Hall will be of interest to all residents of the Cove.

(This presentation which had originally been intended to occur as part of the February NACRA meeting has been rescheduled to 24th February due to clashing commitments. )

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