Issues concerning MidCoast Council
by tonyh Information📎

From Gary Sylvaney, NACRA President Residents should be aware of the generalised nature of the following information in relation to On Site Sewerage Management Systems in the Mid Coast Council . . .

by dougk News
For the past two decades, usually just before the end of each Financial Year, Council has offered a bulky waste collection service. Sometimes, it is true, the streets of the . . .

by dougk
There is a little over a week remaining to respond to the draft MidCoast Community Strategic Plan. Council will use this plan as a guide in its decision-making. It is . . .

by dougk Report
"Councils" became a key topic at the recently-held January meeting of the Pindimar Bundabah Community Association (PBCA). Following discussions, the meeting resolved to investigate further whether a change of Council . . .

by dougk Information
MidCoast Council wants our feedback on their Draft Community Strategic Plan - Vision and Values. And we need to let them know what we think.This draft document tells us that . . .

by dougk News
Glenn Handford, only recently confirmed as MidCoast Council's General Manager, tendered his resignation at yesterday's Council Meeting (20 December). Glenn Handford is apparently leaving for a position in the private . . .

by sirius Information
November has certainly been a big month for sales of Old Masters. A Da Vinci painting sold at auction in New York for a mind-boggling $A591million. Closer to home, did . . .

by dougk
This is not a story about the army take-over of our peninsular. Those events are however mentioned in the book about our village – which is of course a great . . .

by sirius Information
You may not need a microscope but a magnifying glass is beneficial when searching for mentions of North Arm Cove in the Capital Works proposal presented to this week's Council . . .
(1 comment)

by dougk
On Saturday 16 September the button was pressed to distribute preferences following 9 September's MidCoast Council Elections. The eleven Councillors (in order of election) are: KEEGAN David, Pampoolah McWILLIAMS Jan . . .