Stories and Poems

by dougk πŸ“Ž

It's Christmas time in the Cove once more. Sing along with North Arm Cove's own Christmas song ...


Shackles of our past
by dougk

When the colonists first arrived in Aus The People of the Land called out β€œYou’re not welcome. Go away!” The colonists? They ignored that call. The land, the water - they took it all.

by dougk
The First Fleet had arrived in this country over the three days from 18th to 20th January. It did not take long for Arthur Phillip to decide that Botany Bay . . .

by dougk

My ancestral connection this to wonderful land that we call Australia dates back to 8am on January 20th 1788. That 235 years may seem a long time but it is . . .

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by dougk Story
It was January 6th. The Prime Minister had invited a select party of his dearest political connections to celebrate with him in a night of hilarity, alcohol and cake.
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by dougk Humour
It is hard to imagine now but, five decades ago, I was young and enthusiastic. One winter’s day I was hurrying across campus. Rather than take a 30 metre detour . . .

by dougk History
Even when current practices are morally indefensible ...Even when most of the population want change ... … Vested interests will throw everything they can to block meaningful action. If we . . .
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by tonyh Humour

I sit here feeling pretty low about the state of the nation and trying to think up something smart to say about the MidCoast Counci debacle. A jet skier flashes . . .

by dougk Story
The following story is of course complete fiction and the names of people and places were made up. It was written as an exercise to try to emulate the "voice" . . .