Storm Cleanup in Cove

By dougk, 27 April, 2015

Not before next Wednesday

Received from Len Roberts 27 April 2015 13:55:28:  (Update in comment below.)
Hello all,  Council has unexpectedly  been able to get garbage compactors  and excavator and will be cleaning up the existing mess only starting tomorrow. The  Garbage compactors are only available this week. Only storm damage will be taken.

Grass and garden clippings will not be taken as they are not covered under the emergency funding. Once the truck has been down a street it will not be back. 

From tomorrow people will not be able to place the vegetation on the street but will need to take it to the tip themselves for free.

Filed under

Update from Council re cleanup:
Cleanup priorities have so far focused on Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest because of the greater impact on traffic. Last year's clean-up cost Council a six figure amount for which external funding was not available. Although Great Lakes has been declared a disaster area, funding for this current cleanup is not completely assured as yet. Any clean-up in the Cove will not occur before next Wednesday 6 May.