There have been two separate east coast lows off the east Mid North Coast in the last two weeks. As a result we have had a lot of rain and . . .
Impact of weather events on the Cove
We woke up to bright sunshine but it was a wild night in the Cove. Several boats have dragged their moorings and one large cruiser has broken away and ended . . .
We have an internet enabled weather station and we like to keep a track of the rain. Occasionally we miss a week or two when a spider decides to take . . .

According to my weather station we had 605mm of rain in March - an awful lot of rain. It's no wonder the ground is so wet and sodden! The wettest . . .

We have had a lot of rain in the last few weeks. In the big event ten days ago we had about 450ml and then on Monday night we had . . .
by janiner
We have had a lot of rain in the past two weeks and the Cove waters are a muddy brown colour. The colour is caused by both silt and tannins . . .

The Cove experienced storms on both Monday and Tuesday evenings. The first storm hit just before 8pm and came from the northwest in a line from the Barrington Tops area . . .

The Cove had some minor flooding this week. It coincided with the summer king tide, which this year was higher than normal. Spring tides occur every fortnight and roughly coincide . . .
by peterf
Australian philosopher Professor Peter Singer has a reputation for taking very radical positions, including on such issues as euthanasia, giving much, much more to the poor and whether or not . . .
On Monday last (July 6) a contingent from the Mid North Coast SES team visited the Cove to say thank you to the whole Cove community.