Let's rock; everybody, let's rock!

By tonyh, 16 July, 2015
New Start

New Start in Motion

Stand aside Rolling Stones! Stand aside Beyonce!! (Did I spell that right?) Now we have our very own local heroes to blow your socks off!  New Start. Witnessed by the author and hereby reviewed without fear or favour. 

Today they performed to a packed Baptist Church Hall at Tea Gardens - 72 seats filled, standing room only with queues at the door.

So who is New Start? From Cove Boulevard, the ever youthful Jan "Mr Hendrix" Carter on lead guitar and his even youthfuller wife Susan on keyboard (with harmonious back-up vocals) - that's who. Together with Darrell Thornthwaite (now doesn't that sound like a rock star's name if ever there was one?) and vocals from the delightful Caroline Thornthwaite.

And their repertoire? Songs from the 1920s to the 1960s. Surprised to find even I knew some of the words to most of them. The audience certainly did and they called so enthusiastically for multiple encores that I actually thought Sunday's church ceremony would have to be cancelled.

Well done New Start. Miss a second performance in August at your peril.

Tony Hann

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Well done - CONGRATULATIONS !!! Looking forward to the next performance. When are you going to start taking bookings and table reservations ???