Deafening Silence after Deafening Explosion

By sch, 24 August, 2015

Residents of the Cove could not fail to have heard the deafening explosion around 12.20 last Wednesday. I had visions of shattered buildings at Nelson Bay or surrounds. However, nothing on the news. Can anyone please explain?


8 years 10 months ago

I was in the house and heard a single very pronounced thump. The house shook slightly. I thought a large tree had fallen very close to the house. Or that the new Border Police had landed to arrest dual citizens with pocket knives. I ran outside but there was nothing to see.

Tony H


8 years 10 months ago

they were blasting over at fame cove i herd the bang looked at fame cove aand saw a big cloud of dust having heard blasting before, i knew what is was

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