
By dougk, 18 November, 2016
Give us a heart project

UPDATE 23 November: It is Official. The recommendation below was approved at today's Council meeting.

Recommendations from the Stronger Communities Assessment Committee, to go to next Wednesday's Council meeting for final approval, include a grant of $47,940 to the North Arm Cove Residents Association for the development of our "community precinct".

The Cove application was one 76 submitted for a range of projects. The requests for grants totalled $2.3 million. The Assessment Panel met in October to consider the applications and the report detailing the recommended funding, just published (18 November) on the Council website, will be considered by the Administrator at the Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 23 November.

Just seventeen projects have been approved for funding, and North Arm Cove's $47,940 forms part of the $508,195 allocated to these. Not a bad result for a small community like ours.

The application talked of the generosity, empathy and community spirit of the North Arm Cove inhabitants, and those attributes will certainly be called  upon next year when, assuming we get the nod next week,  we are implementing this project. We hope to have many volunteers at the various Community Working Bees. This is a chance for us to demonstrate to the Council hierachy and to the rest of the MidCoast area that we are worth this significant investment.

A big thank you to all those who assisted in and gave support in the preparation of this grant application.

For further details of the project please see this article.

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7 years 8 months ago

Let me be the first to congratulate you, Doug. And the NACRA team. I'm sure I speak for the whole community on this. Brilliant work! We appreciate the time and effort put into preparing the submission. It deserves the reward. Fingers crossed for Wednesday.


7 years 8 months ago

Doug - I saw the end result of your submission and I know just how many hours you put into this on behalf of the North Arm Cove community. It was an amazing feat and I thank you.

Well done Doug - what great news. Having spent some time on the committee, I know how hard you have to fight for every project, big or small for the Cove.