A Celebration of Community Achievement

By dougk, 2 June, 2017

Booklet to be launched

Many people have contributed to a booklet on the Cove being produced to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Residents Association's establishment. The booklet will be launched at the celebration on the afternoon of August 20. As well as noting the achievements of the Cove's various community groups, the booklet explores our local history and natural beauty. This limited-edition publication is packed with photos and will be both a collectors item and a wonderful gift for family and friends. Don't miss out. Reserve one or more copies now by transferring $20 per copy using the (recently changed) Association bank details below.

As memberships for 2017-18 ($10 per person) are also due at the end of June you can pay that at the same time. Do make sure to include your name in the description and the number of booklets you wish to reserve! If your bank gives the option of sending an email to the payee, enter the email address: nacra@northarmcove.nsw.au

Direct Deposit: Beyond Bank Australia BSB: 325-185 Account No: 85064916

If you do not wish to pay on-line, you can either see treasurer Kath Kohlhoff at the Association meeting on 10 June or make other arrangements by calling 4997 3341.

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7 years 1 month ago

This is an amazing achievement Doug. On behalf of the NAC community, I would like to thank you for the many hundreds of hours you have put into compiling this unique record of our village. Every home should have one!