Working Bee 20.6.24.... Terri Horton & Jannine Reid
by Loal Conroy News
FABULOUS turn out for the North Arm Cove Working Bee… the Community Garden Group rallied on Wednesday 19th June … pruning trees, clearing, weeding, mulching the front … looks amazing . . .

Egg & Bacon Muffin morning
by Loal Conroy News
Fabulous weather for our Egg, Bacon & Cheese muffins on Saturday 30 March 2024, at Coffee in the Cove - using home-cured bacon from Karuah Meats... the wonderful aroma drew . . .

International Women's Day 2024
by Loal Conroy News

North Arm Cove Community Centre, in its 26th year, celebrating the incredible achievements, resilience, and strength of women today and every day. All funds raised to support the International campaign . . .

Clean Up Australia Day at North Arm Cove
by Bushman News
Our annual Clean Up Australia Day event this Sunday 3rd March is set to be cracker. We've had a good number of people RSVP and based on past experience, we're . . .

Coffee in the Cove
by janiner News
The Cove Coffee Shop was busy last Saturday morning. Local State MP, Kate Washington, and her staff chatted with locals about their issues whilst enjoying a superb morning tea from . . .

Horse riders leaving Heros Reserve
by Loal Conroy News
Busy morning at North Arm Cove for the visiting 20+ horse riders and their steeds... riding through the bush, paddling at Heros Reserve and stopping for coffee at Coffee in . . .

Heros Beach
by janiner News
Australia Day at North Arm Cove was celebrated at Heros Beach with a lunchtime sausage sizzle and picnic. The flag raising ceremony was conducted at 12 noon and Lloyd Bennett . . .

Clean Up Australia Day 2024
by Bushman News
CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY MARCH 3, 2024 | NORTH ARM COVE Get ready to roll up your sleeves and join your neighbours in cleaning up our much-loved North Arm Cove . . .

Vandalism at Community Garden
by Loal Conroy News
Wanton damage to the Community Garden... once again, vandalism has occurred over the weekend. It would appear to have been on both Saturday and Sunday leaving a sorry sad trail . . .
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Garage sale Trail
by Loal Conroy News
Would you like to have your own stall or share with a friend at our Garage Sale? No fee. Sell your household items, toys, books, clothing, plants etc. We will . . .