Local wildflowers #1

By dougk, 13 November, 2011
Milkmaid flower

Burchardia umbellata

Walking through the North Arm Cove bush is spring is a delight with wildflowers everywhere. Purple flags abound. native orchids, flax lilies, travellers joy, leptospermum polygalifolium, a great many varieties of pea flower plus so many more flowers add their splash of colour to the bush. Pictured here are burchardia umbellata (milkmaids) and calandenia catenata (Lady Finger Orchid). These were found in the northern part of the Cove.

Have you some good wildflower photos from the North Arm Cove bush? Why not submit an article including a couple of your photos.

You can click on these pictures here to see a larger version of them.

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