Preparing for a possible bushfire
by dougk Report📎
Dear Community Members Recently I met with representatives from the various Cove community groups to review and discuss the issues that were first raised with me during the beginning of my work in the community. This process would allow me to ensure that I had in fact addressed ( in some shape or form, or where possible) the concerns that were raised. The outcome of this meeting did provide me with some positive feedback, and also provided me with a couple of a issues that were still of some concern. ...

by dougk 📎
Dear Community2016 is certainly off to a flying start. I cannot believe how quick Australia Day has disappeared from my memory and that we are now staring down the barrel to the Easter festivities.I would imagine that most people in the community have noticed the activity over the past week in the Cove.

by dougk News
After a brief delay due to yesterday's rain, further work on implementing the protection plan has swung into action at the Community Centre.

by dougk

When removing a tree is just chomp, turn and drop!

by dougk Information
Work commenced today (10 March) on clearing work along The Ridgeway towards the Fire Station. This work is the next stage of the implementation of the Community Protection Plan. Also . . .

by dougk Information
Bushfires in Australia increased by 40% from 2008 to 2013. This worrying statistic was highlighted in the intro to last week's SBS Insight program: Line of Fire. And this article . . .
(1 comment)

by dougk Report📎
Ian Cook writes ... I would like to maintain a positive focus on what has been achieved both in and by the community so far. To date we have been successful in putting in an APZ around the hall and listing it as a Neighbourhood Safer Place. Yes the hall is now officially part of the Neighbourhood safer place program and is listed on the NSW Rural Fire Service website. ...

by dougk News
Advice has just been received that the RFS HQ has pulled funding from the proposed linking of the two sections of The Esplanade. The remaining work planned for the Community . . .

by thegees Information📎
Please see the attached document from the Council regarding open burning. Also, the Bush Fire Preparation Map and the Bush Fire Survival Map has been updated and is on display . . .

by dougk Information📎
Ian Cook writes: Dear CommunityAs we move toward the beginning of the summer months and into the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period now is a good time to start preparing our home and surrounds in preparation for the fire season. In July of this year we had already seen a number of fires cause concern in the Blue Mountains for fire fighters as well as in a number of other communities across NSW. As I write this Victoria and South Australia are responding to bush fires and in the north of NSW a number of bush fires are creating headaches for fire fighters.