Preparing for a possible bushfire
by thegees 📎
Please see the attached documents on lighting fires in the Cove. Regards, Steve Gee NAC Rural Fire Brigade Secretary

by dougk 📎
Ian Cook writes .. Dear North Arm Cove community.At long last we have forward movement on implementing strategies identified in the Community Protection Plan. Monday we had contractors move into the Cove to commence work on the Asset Protection Zone (APZ) for the community hall. I am sure that many of you have either seen or heard the machinery and contractors in action. Once the APZ is in place we can then proceed to have the community hall listed as an Neighbourhood Safer Place.

Ian Cook RFS at the Cove Hall
by dougk
Work is expected to begin in the next few weeks on the first stages of the proposed mitigation plan Ian Cook told the 45 residents who attended this morning's meeting (Saturday 18 April) at the Community Hall. Ian stressed that while the Community Plan is important, we all need to have our own Survival Plans completed and our houses well prepared.

by dougk 📎
A meeting for crucial importance for all Cove Residents is scheduled for 10am on 18 April next. At this meeting, Ian Cook, our RFS Community Protection Planning Officer, will present . . .

by garysylvaney
Recent statements by Senior Fire Authorities have expressed a negative view on the value of a water born escape facility for Cove residents (a Jetty) in the event of a . . .

Fire Effects: (CSIRO)
by dougk
Ian Cook, our intrepid Community Protection Planning Officer, draws our attention to a pertinent CSIRO article. Ian will be back in the Cove on the weekend of 7th and 8th . . .

by dougk 📎
Despite locating a massive bull-ants nest in the least preferable way and stumbling upon a colony of the Cove's largest snakes, Ian Cook has made significant progress over the past . . .

Wharf at Dunalley during firestorm
by patb
A letter recently published in the Cove News (February 2015) suggests that the provision of a jetty in the village may offer a much needed escape facility in the event . . .

by dougk 📎
Ian Cook writes to the Cove community ... On Thursday 20th November I met with representatives from Great Lakes Council along with the Manager, NSW Rural Fire Service Customer Service Centre (North) at North Arm Cove Community Hall. I imagine that the majority of the community knew we were there as we managed to activate the alarm, many thanks to Doug for his quick response ...

by sirius
Already, this early in the season, we have had a small bush fire quite close our Village - an ominous warning of what might lie ahead this summer. An excellent . . .