Cove wildlife
Baby cuckoo
by janiner
It is spring and the Cove is again full of the sound of birds. Some visitors to the Cove every spring come from a long distance. We get two migratory . . .

by bobreid Information
My neighbour Mark from across the road rang me tonight to tell me that fireflies were flying around the bush on the edge of his property, so I went up . . .

by janiner 📎
Hunter Local Land Services and BirdLife Australia are hosting a series of Shorebird Training Workshops to engage the local community with migratory shorebirds and train volunteers interested in being a . . .

Crested tern
by janiner
You can help our scientists by participating in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count. It is on this week, 19-25 October, and only takes 20 minutes. You can do it on . . .

by janiner
Community groups were invited to participate in a zoom workshop on migratory shore birds in the Port Stephens Estuary. I represented the North Arm Cove Community Association.There were about 30 . . .

We let this crab go free
by janiner
We are all looking for activities that may be carried out whilst social distancing rules are in place. Fishing is one activity that some of us may wish to undertake . . .

Several musk lorrikeets and a scaly breasted lorrikeet in flight
by janiner
North Arm Cove is full of noise at the moment with lots of birds feeding on the flowering gum trees. Have you ever wondered what birds are making such a . . .

A flock of little corellas in the Cove
by janiner Information
In the last few years a flock of corellas have settled in Port Stephens. They make daily visits to the Cove, accompanied by a lot of noise. Last week the . . .

by janiner News
We have a pair of nesting herons. Last January a hail storm came through and destroyed the eggs in the nest.It took the birds a few days to work out . . .

Looking for insects in the grass at high tide
by janiner Report
We have had a pair of nesting herons for most of January. In breeding season the adult birds have plumes on their back, breast, neck and nape. The nest is . . .