Cove wildlife
Pair of Glossy Black Cockatoos
by janiner Information
On our evening walk in Yallarwah Park over the last few days we have heard the distinct crunching of casuarina seeds. A pair of glossy black cockatoos have been feeding . . .

by janiner Information
Have you noticed that the large noisy flock of corellas is not about at the moment. The last we saw of the large flock was a couple of months ago . . .

Frog ID
by janiner Information
In November after a bit of rain, I heard some frogs in the bush behind the Community Centre. I used the Frog ID app on my phone to record the . . .

Dusky Flathead
by janiner Information
The following information was released in the August 2022 edition of the DPI NSW Recreational Fishing Newsletter. Following the recent changes to Dusky Flathead recreational fishing rules, this is a . . .

by janiner Information
Keep the kids and the whole family occupied- become citizen scientists. Citizen scientists help our researchers better understand the world. Our phones allow us the opportunity to collect data for . . .

termites spawning
by Loal Conroy Information
Termites spawning... Author: Trever Vandenberg ... Over the last few weeks termites have begun to spawn..., not only throughout the non urban area I have seen remnants within the . . .

by tonyh
Readers may remember an article I wrote in August describing a set of very odd and very large footprints Cove residents had discovered along the foreshore. The prints were huge . . .

Local kookaburra
by janiner Information
Aussie Bird Count – Celebrate National Bird Week by taking part in the biggest citizen science project to hit Aussie shores. Join thousands of people from across the country, heading . . .

Feral deer
by Loal Conroy
We occasionally see feral deer in our vicinity (and some unfortunate drivers, have encountered a vehicle collision). There was (not sure if there still is) a deer herd along the . . .

by janiner
A dead turtle was found last week near Beauty Point. Port Stephens has three types of turtles: green, loggerhead and hawksbill. The green turtle is the most common and can . . .