Issues concerning MidCoast Council
by BruceKerryHead InformationπŸ“Ž
I have attached an interesting read sent to me , which was used in compiling the MCC RURAL STRATEGY REPORT Dec 2022 The Way forward. I place it on . . .

by janiner Information
Doug and Bob have both written articles asking you to make a submission on the draft MidCoast LEP. To be heard by Council, we need many voices. To make it . . .
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by bobreid Invitation
If you have any concerns at all about the new MidCoast LEP please lodge a submission. You have up to midnight this coming Sunday 14 June. Some points to consider . . .
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MCC logo
by bobreid Information

The MidCoast Council Have Your Say consultation on the draft MidCoast LEP closes at midnight on Sunday 14 July. So if you would like to lodge a submission on this . . .

by LizH Information

If you attended the recent meeting at the Community Hall when representatives from MidCoast Council presented their Draft LEP, you may, as did many, feel somewhat underwhelmed and possibly dismayed . . .

Midcoast Council Staff address NAC community
by janiner Information
Despite the rain, 80 villagers attended the Midcoast Council presentation last Saturday afternoon on the Draft LEP (Local Environmental Plan). The meeting was addressed by Sue Calvin, Senior Land Use . . .

MidCoast Council logo
by bobreid Invitation
A reminder, Paul de Szell, who is the Director Liveable Communities for MidCoast Council, together with a senior Council planner, will be attending the next NACCAi meeting and give our . . .

MCC logo
by bobreid Information

In April 2023 MCC published an On-site Wastewater Management Strategy to help Council’s Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) identify areas that require immediate attention to protect public health, the environment and . . .

NACCAi logo
by bobreid Invitation
We have changed the date of the next NACCAi ordinary meeting to 18 May, from 11 May, because of Mothers Day on 12 May. We have also organised for Paul . . .

Burn-out tragedy
by bobreid InformationπŸ“Ž

What happened: Last Friday night an illegal burn-out event on Gooreengi Road at the entrance to North Arm Cove went horribly wrong when the driver of a vehicle doing burn-outs . . .