Issues concerning MidCoast Council
by bobreid Information
Open space and recreation strategy A couple of months ago I put a post on the website about MidCoast Councils draft Open Space and Recreation 2023 - 2035 Strategy. This . . .

by bobreid InformationπŸ“Ž
MidCoast Council's draft Open Space and Recreation Strategy is currently on display on Council’s Have Your Say website, and Council is seeking community feedback on it until 27 June. The . . .
(1 comment)

by bobreid InformationπŸ“Ž
I was prompted to write this post by the recent publication of the NSW Ombudsman Annual Report 2021-22, and the ongoing failures of Council to properly enforce compliance in the . . .

by tonyh Rant

Have you noticed? Everyone in a job today has a grand title - Vice-President, General Manager, Chief Executive Officer, Director, Executive Manager. Sometimes even the β€˜real’ people (those that do . . .

by bobreid InformationπŸ“Ž
MidCoast Council staff have very kindly provided us with an updated zoning map of North Arm Cove, and a recent satellite image of the cove. Both of these are attached . . .

by bobreid InformationπŸ“Ž
At its Ordinary Meeting on 28 September 2022 MidCoast Council considered the analysis report on submissions on the paper subdivision section of the draft rural strategy. Before the meeting at . . .

by bobreid Information
At this weeks Council Ordinary meeting on Wednesday 28 September Councillors are scheduled to consider submissions to the paper subdivision section of the draft rural strategy. Of the 430 submissions . . .

by janiner
MidCoast Council is always updating its policies and documents. As time goes on, some documents are updated or there are new projects, and these are all advertised through the β€œHave . . .

by bobreid Information
MidCoast Council has released draft policies on barking dogs and open burning for community review and feedback. Both of these issues can cause concern and nuisance in North Arm Cove . . .

by bobreid InformationπŸ“Ž
At Council's Ordinary meeting this coming week (Wednesday 27 July) Council will be considering rural strategy submisions on: A. Waterway Zones – zone criteria, land uses and development standards; and . . .