Preparing for a possible bushfire
by dougk 📎
Attached to this article is a listing of issues that were raised during Ian Cook's meetings with the various groups and residents of North Arm Cove. Ian has gone through . . .

Front page of plan
by dougk 📎

Members of several Community groups, including the Residents Association (NACRA), were impressed last week with the progress towards a village Community Protection Plan being made by Community Protection Planning & . . .

by sirius 📎
The Royal Commission into the 2009, Victorian Black Saturday bush fires delivered a number of recommendations that reiterated the importance of educating the community on the most appropriate action to . . .

by sirius
A large group of Cove locals attended the RFS Community Meeting held at the hall on Wednesday 26th February. Sarah Kemble of the RFS gave a presentation: Community Protection Plans . . .

by sch
Did you know that North Arm Cove has been identified as an extreme bushfire risk area? Darrin Briggs, of RFS Fire Control, Tuncurry, will be holding a meeting to outline . . .

by sch
Quite some time has passed since the entire village was distribted with the booklet "Plan, Act, Survive" bushfire survival guide and Plan. We recognise that many new residents have moved . . .

by sch
At the February meeting of the North Arm Cove Rural Fire Brigade, Sarah Kemble from the RFS attended to explain the Community Protection Plan that is being developed for our . . .