Issues relating to local roads
by dougk Report
In response to questions from the Residents Association, Council has this week provided advice on what Cove roads and drainage projects are to be funded in the 2017-18 works program . . .

by dougk News
Advice has just been received that the RFS HQ has pulled funding from the proposed linking of the two sections of The Esplanade. The remaining work planned for the Community . . .

Not so slow in the Cove
by sirius

January 2015 in the Cove has been a busy one for public works. Work began very early preparing the southern portion of Eastslope Way for sealing and this work has continued throughout the month. Council's Manager of Parks and Recreation, Andrew Staniland and Senior Design Officer, Ashley Carlson met with members of the Cove's Boat Ramp and Water Access subcommittee to discuss Council's designs for hand-launching ramps at Water Street and Casuarina Park Reserves.

by dougk
The announcement by Federal Member Bob Baldwin of $4.5 million in Roads to Recovery funding over five years has been welcomed by Great Lakes council's Director of Engineering, Ron Hartley . . .

by dougk
The Residents Association is building two lists for Council: identifying the Cove's worst Drainage problems and worst Road problems. Add your comment to this article identifying the location of serious . . .

by sch
Residents will have noticed that improvements have been carried out to "that bend" on North Arm Cove Road, and that a "pot-hole filling" exercise is under way. We have Jamie Condie, Works Engineer, Tea Gardens to thank for this. After concerns were expressed at the December General Meeting of the Residents Association about the proximity of the guide posts to the tar on this bend, ...