Issues relating to local roads
by tsnolan Information
I have seen the evidence of two incidents that have occurred on the road into the village in the last 36 Hrs. Both resulting in crippling local fauna, causing death . . .

by bobreid Information📎
We have done a few minor changes to this report to fix some formatting and grammar errors. It has been sent off to MidCoast Council with a request for Council . . .

by bobreid Information📎
The NAC Roads and Drainage subcommittee - Gary Sylvaney - has finalised the roads and signage report. This final report takes into account resident feedback on the draft version that . . .

by bobreid Information
A month ago we published a draft report from the NACCAi Roads and Drainage subcommittee on NAC roads and signage with many suggested changes to make our roads safer for . . .

by bobreid Report📎
Over the past few months Gary Sylvaney and Seamus Devlin, the NACCAi Roads and Drainage Subcommittee, have inspected the roads in the village and from the village to the highway . . .

Traffic advice sign
by janiner
There are several groups of residents who regularly cycle, jog or walk along the bitumen roads between the village and the highway. Some have had near misses with vehicles speeding . . .

by dougk Information
At last some positive news regarding action on Cove infrastructure with the following advice received from MidCoast's Manager Operations South (via Councillor Len Roberts) regarding planned works for The Esplanade . . .

by dougk Rant
What has happened to the money previously allocated for infrastructure in the Cove? That is the mystery! And it is a timely question after a week of storms with drains . . .

by dougk
November 2017 has now passed us by, but sadly the frequently promised construction and sealing of The Esplanade East has again failed to materialise. But at least the ratepayers of . . .

by sirius Information
You may not need a microscope but a magnifying glass is beneficial when searching for mentions of North Arm Cove in the Capital Works proposal presented to this week's Council . . .
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